Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hi! I'd like to introduce myself- I'm Nancy S. Kim DDS.  I'm a dentist, well, more like a specialized dentist. I'm a periodontist which is a dentist that specializes in the health of the gums and the underlying bone in your mouth! I mostly do specialized surgeries like gum grafting, bone grafting and dental implants.

I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland where I was lucky enough to have attended an all girls school, Bryn Mawr School for middle and high school.  I'm an alum of Johns Hopkins University where I played Division I Women's Lacrosse- So you may see me occasionally post some things about JHU Lacrosse- Go HOP!

I then went to University of Maryland, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery- the FIRST Dental school in the world!! Yup, currently the home of The National History of Dentistry where George Washington's denture rest :)  After I got my DDS, I moved to the big city of New York and did a GPR at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical Center. I LOVED this program. I learned so much and began to encounter the real deal in on call emergency dental work... I also spent 4 months as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where I learned Dental Oncology and treatment with treatment manifestations.... I'll probably blog more about that too...

Then I spent 3 years at New York University where I did my post graduate surgical residency in Periodontics and Dental Implantology. I became Board Certified in Periodontics in 2008 which was a great accomplishment for me personally and professionally.

My hope with this Blog is to give you the trends and interesting topics that I encounter in the dental world. Not only cases, but issues in the news that constantly come out.

I will love to hear what you have to say about some of my posts.

I have private practice in Manhattan on 61st street and Park Avenue
Please feel free to contact me anytime:

115 East 61st Street, 14th Floor
New York, New York 10065
(212) 838-7219